Friday, February 15, 2013

Easy French Dip’s

Sometimes its easy to overthink a meal.  This is one of those dishes that does almost all of the work for you though, don’t worry about thinking too much about this one.  Besides, what beats a sandwich full of delicious roasted meat dipped into the tastiest broth?  Prepare to rage.
  1. 1 lb. Beef Roast
  2. 6 oz. of Beer(your favorite works)
  3. 1 t Pepper
  4. 1 t Garlic(granulated or powder)
  5. 1 T Worcestershire Sauce
  6. 2 C Beef Broth
  7. 1 C Water
  8. Salt and Pepper
  9. Vegetable Oil
  10. French Bread or Hot Dog Buns
Quick Directions
  1. Salt and pepper beef roast.
  2. Heat frying pan with enough oil in it to coat the bottom.
  3. Sear all sides of the roast till a nice color is present.
  4. Prepare crock pot by mixing all ingredients besides the beef roast and vegetable oil in it.
  5. Turn crock pot on high and place roast in.  Let cook 3-4 hours.
  6. Check it to see if the roast is tender.  If not, continue to let it cook checking every thirty minutes.
  7. Once meat is tender, shred or slice and return to crock pot for another 20-30 minutes.
  8. Dish onto bun, scoop some juice into a small cup for dipping.
  9. Enjoy!
Detailed Directions
Once you are ready to begin, salt and pepper the roast soon to be made outRAGEous.  Just get a nice even coat all around it, sometimes patting it with your hands doesn’t hurt.  Though you will want to make sure to wash your hands after touching raw meat, don’t need to be spreading around bacteria and whatever else may have been there.
Place it into a frying pan that has been heated up with oil in it.  Not a lot of oil is needed, just enough to cover the bottom will do.  Use medium high or high heat here.  The goal is only to cook the outside of the meat.  This gets a nice caramelized color as well helping to develop a richer flavor.
Once every side has been browned, your ready to place it in your crock pot.  First get all of the ingredients into the crock pot and mixed together.  Once its ready, place the meat in, put the lid on and crank the crock pot up to high.
20130203_17035520130203_170530Let it cook for 3-4 hours.  Once time has slowly passed and your house now smells amazing, check on it.  Simply poke a fork into it and see how tender the meat is.  When its ready it will tell you, or if you aren’t up on reading your meat, just pull it  and see if the meat falls apart.  If it doesn’t, its not ready.  Give it another 30 minutes and repeat the test.

This time I chose to slice my roast into thin slices, but another easy thing to do is to shred it. Take 2 forks, stab them in, and pull them apart. Not hard once you have tried your hand at it a time or two and really doesn’t take that long either.  Once it is to your liking, plop it back in the pot and give it another 20-30 minutes.
Now it is finally complete!  Dance around in a rage to celebrate if you like.  The process was simple and now the best part has assuredly arrived.  When I made this last time, I had hot dog buns and they work just fine, but  French Bread would work great too.  Really any bread of your choice here, as long as you like it who else matters?  Right, so put some meat on the bun, get a little cup and put some of that lovely juice from the crock pot in it and enjoy.  I must admit I am a huge fan of the way the juice soaks into the bread.  Rage on!

Other Thoughts
  • The cut of your beef doesn’t matter too much.  Cheaper is usually a bit tougher and will increase the cooking time, but this works just fine in a crock pot.  Slowly, you will get to that tender sweet spot and won’t even notice.  I used a 1 lb. beef chuck roast and it worked great.  If you get a roast with a bone in it, that isn’t a problem at all, just something to remove when you shred your beef up.
  • The 1 lb. roast made 4 sandwiches for me.  You can easily make 8 by getting a 2 lb. roast and doubling the rest of the ingredients.
  • One final note.  If you want to have dinner waiting for you when your home from work, this can easily be the ticket.  Just simply sear the roast off the night before work, even go as far as having everything in the crock pot and place the insert of the crock pot in the fridge over night.  Before you head to work, place the insides where they go, turn it on low and run off to work.  Come home to a wonderfully flavorful dish that is ready to go in hardly any time.  The longer it cooks, the more tender your meat will be.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Definitely going to try this. Looks like something even my picky eaters will like.